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ITEM Software
Experts in reliability, safety and risk assessment software
  ProductsITEM QT
IQT Modules

Reliability, Safety and Risk Assessment Software

The latest release from ITEM Software is an extraordinary collection of new capabilities that provides a customizable, cross-platform, multi-user, open frame-work. Built on proven and recognized analysis engines, ITEM QT (iQT) is a revolutionary approach to reliability, safety, and risk analysis software tools. With iQT, you are no longer limited by the technology choices of software vendors or chained to infrastructure requirements of their products. Continue reading to learn more about the iQT design that provides a framework to suit all of your needs.

ITEM Software continues to build and deliver reliable, defensible, and innovative tools your industry requires. Over the years, we have heard from many users in a variety of industries - analysis tools need to be more open and extensible. In developing this new tool, ITEM Software has taken into consideration that not every company or situation has the same requirements and capabilities.

The preliminary modules fully released and currently available are the reliability prediction standards :

  • FIDES 2022 (UTE-C 80811), IEC 63142 ED1 (Electronic)
  • Telcordia SR-332 (Electronic)
  • IEC 62380, UTE C 80-810 (Electronic)
  • HRD 5 (Electronic)
  • Siemens SN 29500 (Electronic)
  • Generic Standard (Fully Customizable)
  • NSWC-06/LE10 (Mechanical)
  • NSWC-98/LE1 (Mechanical)
  • MIL-HDBK-217 (Electronic)

Further prediction modules coming soon include:

  • GJB 299B & GJB 299C (Electronic)

Customizable and Efficient Interface

iQT delivers a customizable user interface whereby the user can develop any number of "perspectives". These visual containers can hold a collection of views, editors, or modules available within the iQT framework. Along with any number of other perspectives, a perspective exists within the framework and, like a page within a book, is visible at any time.

Arranged for different kinds of reliability, safety and risk analyses, iQT is delivered with several pre-set perspectives. Furthermore, to support the needs of the individual user or the entire organization, new perspectives can be easily created and shared with other users of iQT. To help eliminate the need to reinstall the software for new releases, an update manager is provided. This allows users to update to the latest version through online updating within iQT.

Additionally, the iQT framework refrains from loading and creating models and services until it is first needed. The memory usage and startup time are dramatically reduced using this mechanism.

A prediction module editor is provided within the iQT framework. An engineer can easily create or modify an existing company prediction approach. No coding is needed. This newly created approach is automatically recognized within iQT.


In order to leverage the features and functions each has to offer, the computing environment of today's businesses use many different types of operating systems and platforms. It is very common to see a blending of Microsoft, Unix/Linux, and Apple technologies across the enterprise and within the supply-chain of any organization.

iQT delivers true cross-platform capabilities through its Java-based frame-work and analysis engines. Whether installed as a standalone or client-server configuration, iQT supports the analysis processing on either the local computer or the server. An analyst with a Macintosh in London can easily collaborate with an engineer in Texas using a Unix workstation, or a consultant in China with a Microsoft based PC.

True Multi-User Capability

The iQT framework provides the capability for multiple users to simultaneously, yet independently modify any model or analysis in any project they have access to. To track the change, a robust version control tool is provided within iQT .

Users can check out and work independently on their local copies of the "project". Plus, individually commit their changes back to the central repository. The repository can be on remote servers, or kept locally, enabling the user to maintain their own version history.

While the project's history is maintained within the central repository, changes from different users can be merged easily, without running the risk of one user accidentally overwriting changes made by others.

At any point, individual users can choose to commit their version of a model or project to a repository, which then captures the changes and records them into the project history. Multiple users can read and write to the repository as needed. Users can bring their local models up-to-date from the repository as they choose.

Parts of the model or project can also be locked in the repository before they can be edited. This way no two people can be working on the same file.

The use of the source control system, in combination with the system hierarchy within iQT , allows for a "library" function in which changes in the master library can be applied to models relying on those libraries. This allows users to update the library incorporated in a project in an automated fashion.

Other multi-user functions provided within iQT include :

  • Easily revert to any previous version of a model
  • Restrict the access to a particular model to one team or group of users
  • Create different branches and variations of the same model for "what if" investigations
  • Merge project work from multiple teams or repositories into a single project or repository
  • Publish milestones for the project

Robust and Flexible Storage

The iQT storage format consists of sets of freely coupled XML files. The use of XML automatically results in an "open standard", allowing users and other applications to make changes to the model outside of iQT. This flexibility opens the door for a wide range of application integration and ease of capturing data directly from the iQT project files. Of course, changes are tracked in the history of the repository. Individual modules are stored in the form of XML files. It is also possible to store external documentation, e.g. MS Word, PDF or CAD drawing files, in the same directory structure. These files are then considered part of the project.

Task Management

iQT can be configured to incorporate documentation, task management or other features that are available from third-party vendors. If a recognized change management program is in place at the company, iQT can be configured to interface with that program. This allows the company to take further advantage of the software tool investment they have already made.

Powerful, Proven and Configurable Quantification Engines

The iQT quantification engines have been developed, performance refined and used worldwide for many years. They are a solid foundation for accurate analysis results. Their implementation in iQT may reside locally on the user's computer, or exist as a service on a network server anywhere in the world. More than one analysis engine can be used to solve a particular part of a model. Furthermore, users can specify engine settings for a particular model.

There are no dependencies between the engines. The various engines do not know of each other's existence, or are even aware of the other model types. It is possible that more than one analysis engine is available to perform the analysis of a given module. Users can even add their own engines easily for any particular type of module.

Named Parameters

Named parameters can be used to efficiently make changes to multiple input parameters in a model. Named parameters can be used to quantify or otherwise assign values to input parameters in the model.

Open and Extensible

Focused on reliability, safety, and risk assessment, our iQT product is a highly extensible framework that provides common infrastructure for any kind of system modeling.

The capable nature of iQT is achieved by an existing Java platform foundation that is widely supported in your business environment. By following the predefined interface, your team has the ability to create plug-ins that extend the capabilities of iQT . The following are examples of possible iQT extensions:

  • New editors or viewers for a given model (file) type
  • New quantification model types
  • New result types
  • New analysis engines

The well-established core services of this platform provide the essential functionality to model and analyze reliability, risk and safety projects. Regardless of the configuration of a particular installation, the core services are available in the framework.

All extensions are highly modular. By allowing capabilities to be added to or removed from the software without affecting other extensions, new functionality, perhaps a new prediction standard, can be added without requiring reconfiguration or redesign of the source code.

iQT is a fully functional open environment, supporting the addition of third-party plug-ins such as:

  • Version management plug-ins
  • Project management plug-ins
  • Third-party computational environment tools (e.g. MATLAB)
  • Third-party modeling tools (e.g. data analysis)
  • Documentation tools (e.g. PDF viewers)
  • Search tools


  • Customizable, cross-platform, multi-user, open-framework
  • Built on proven and recognized analysis engines
  • Supports the same modules as our flagship product ITEM ToolKit
  • Update manager allows the user to upgrade to the latest version online
  • Refrains from loading and creating models until needed, dramatically reducing memory usage and startup times
  • Easily create or modify existing prediction approach with a prediction module editor
  • True cross-platform capabilities through Java-based framework and analysis engines
  • Library function allows automated update of models
  • Easily revert to any previous version of a model
  • Restrict access to particular models to one user or group
  • Create different branches and variations of the same model for 'what if' investigations
  • Merge project work from multiple teams into a single project
  • Designed by engineers for engineers
  • Fully functional open environment supporting addition of third party plug-ins
  • Stores external documentation like MS Word, PDF or CAD drawing files
  • Configurable to interface with other programs
  • Powerful, proven and configurable quantification engines
  • Open standard allows users to make changes to the model outside of iQT

Generic Standard Module

The IQT Generic Module is a prediction standard editor. Users can easily customize or create their own prediction standard without any modification in the code. The new standard is automatically recognized in the platform. No coding is needed.

User are able to mix the different prediction standards already purchased and customize formulae to suit.

iQT provides a function to allow users to check the implementation of all built-in prediction standards.

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Fides 2022 (IEC 63142 ED1) Module

The FIDES (IEC 63142 ED1) methodology models failures whose origins are intrinsic (item technology or manufacturing and distribution quality) and extrinsic (equipment specification and design, selection of the procurement route, equipment production and integration) to the items studied.

The methodology takes into account all the influences on reliability, such as:

  • Technologies
  • Application (naval, airborne, avionics, automotive, industrial...)
  • Product Life cycle (specification, design, manufacture, system integration, maintenance)
  • Real Mission Profile of the Product
  • Actual use conditions (thermal, mechanical, electrical,.)
  • Overstresses

FIDES has potential for evolution:

  • Integration of new technology without field experience
  • Easy update of models
  • Completion for new models (new families) in progress

The FIDES methodology is intended to predict realistic reliability levels, close to the average values usually observed (by contrast with pessimistic or conservative values).

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IEC 62380 Module

The IEC 62380 module supports reliability prediction methods based on the latest European Reliability Prediction Standard. Originally, a French Standard published by the Union Technique de L'Electricite (UTE, July 2000 - RDF). The standard has evolved and become the European Standard for Reliability Prediction (IEC 62380). Its unique approach and methodology has gained worldwide recognition. IEC 62380 is a significant step forward in reliability prediction when compared to older reliability standards.

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Telcordia Module

The Telcordia Software Module of ITEM QT calculates the reliability prediction of electronic equipment based on the Telcordia (Bellcore) TR-332 and SR-332 standards. These standards use a series of models for various categories of electronic, electrical and electro-mechanical components to predict steady-state failure rates which environmental conditions, quality levels, electrical stress conditions and various other parameters affect. It provides predictions at the component level, system level or project level for COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf Parts).

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HRD-5 Module

The full name of the standard is British Handbook of Reliability Data for Electronic Components used in Telecommunication Systems (HRD5). This handbook has been undertaken in the light of component field performance data, collected by BT, France Telecom, and laboratory derived data.

The handbook includes failure rates for telecommunication components. It also includes reliability definitions and describes the methodology for estimating circuit reliability from component failure information. The reliability estimation will be used to:

  • Provide a basis for comparing the potential reliability of electronic equipment
  • Identify reliability critical components
  • Provide a means of assessing the reliability impact of design and procurement options


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Siemens SN29500 Module

The Siemens  SN 29500  module of iQT is a reliability prediction tool based on the SN 29500 Standard Revision 2013-07 . Siemens SN 29500 standard is used by Siemens AG and the Siemens companies as the basis for reliability predictions.

It provides component failure rates for a list of categories. It also contains the underlying conditions for which the component failure rates apply (reference condition). R eference to such conditions is needed when failure rates are stated or when values from different sources are compared. The basis for the definition of the reference conditions and the conversion models for failure rates depending on the stress conditions is the IEC 61709. The stress models described in this standard are used as a basis for conversion of the failure rate data at reference conditions to the actual operating conditions.


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MIL-HDBK-217 Module

The MIL-HDBK-217 module of iQT is a powerful reliability prediction program based on the internationally recognized method of calculating electronic equipment reliability defined in MIL- HDBK-217 (published by the US Department of Defense). This standard uses a series of models for various categories of electronic, electrical and electro-mechanical components to predict failure rates that are affected by environmental conditions, quality levels, stress conditions and various other parameters. These models are fully detailed within MIL-HDBK-217..


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NSWC Module

The NSWC module of iQT uses a series of models for various categories of mechanical components to predict failure rates based on temperature, stresses, flow rates and various other parameters. Standard procedures for predicting the reliability of mechanical components, sub-systems and systems are defined in the Naval Surface Warfare Center Handbook of Reliability Prediction Procedures for Mechanical Equipment (NSWC 06/LE1).


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  Specification Sheet

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 > Reliability, Safety, and Risk Analysis Tool

 > Customizable, Multi-User, Open-Framework

 > True Cross-Platform Capabilities

 > Modular Design Allows Choice of Analyses

 > Supports Third-Party Plug-Ins

 > Extensive Reporting and Charting Facilities

 > Stores External Documentation

 > Configurable Quantification Engines

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