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Experts in reliability, safety and risk assessment software
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Below is a list of non associated websites relating to the subject of reliability, safety, risk assessment and other engineering topics.



American Quality Management

American Quality Management Mall-website for the quality management professional.


American Society for Quality (ASQ)

ASQ Quality Central - quality engineers, quality books, quality, ASQ certification, quality auditor, quality tools, quality training, quality managers.



French National Centre for Space Special Studies. Founded in 1961, the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) is the government agency responsible for shaping and implementing France's space policy in Europe.


Equipment Reliability Institute

ERI is a specialized engineering school with focus on the reliability and durability of equipment, ranging from aircraft to automobiles to telecom systems to satellites.



ESRA is a non-profit international association for the advance and application of safety and reliability technology in all areas of human endeavour.



IET is the largest professional engineering society in Europe and has a worldwide membership of just under 140,000, joined together to promote the advancement of electrical, electronic and manufacturing science and engineering, range from students to the most distinguished and highly qualified members of the profession.


IEEE Reliability Society

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the world's largest technical professional society. Founded in 1884 by a handful of practitioners of the new electrical engineering discipline, today's Institute is comprised of more than 320,000 members who conduct and participate in its activities in 147 countries. The men and women of the IEEE are the technical and scientific professionals making the revolutionary engineering advances which are reshaping our world today.



The Institute for Risk Management and Dependability.



The Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium.


Reliability Information Analysis Center (RIAC)

Reliability Information Analysis Center: Government and industry focal point for Reliability, Maintainability, Supportability, Quality Engineering, Data, and Information.


Safety-Critical Systems Club

The Safety-Critical Systems Club (SCSC) exists to raise awareness and facilitate technology transfer in the field of safety-critical systems. It is a non-profit organisation which cooperates with all bodies involved with or interested in safety-critical systems.



The Safety and Reliability Society.


Society of Reliability Engineers (SRE)

Society of Reliability Engineers.


System Safety Society

The System Safety Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Safety Professional in the application of Systems Engineering and Systems Management to the process of hazard, safety and risk analysis.


Technical University of Liberec

Department of Dependability and Risk (DDR) is a part of the Institute of Systems Control and Reliability Management of the Faculty of Mechatronics and Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies, Technical University of Liberec. The department deals with the issues of reliability evaluation, safety and risk assessment, and management including examination of economic consequences.


Telcordia Technologies

The company now known as Telcordia Technologies was created during the divestiture of the Bell System in 1984 to serve the Bell operating companies by providing a center for technological expertise and innovation. Telcordia is now part of Ericsson.


University of Maryland Reliability Department

University of Maryland Reliability Department.


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